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monkey business 〔美俚〕狡猾的惡作劇,頑皮行為,嘲弄,胡鬧,欺騙,耍花招...

monkey chocolate tree

Some monkey business in a duke university lab suggests we ' ll soon be able to move artificial limbs , control robotic soldiers , and communicate across thousands of miles ? ? using nothing but our thoughts 杜克大學實驗室里一項獼猴試驗表明,我們不久就能僅僅用我們的思維使人造假肢活動,控制機器人戰士,并和數千英里外的人通訊。

“ i think there ' s some kind of monkey business going on in that house across the street . people going in and out all day long ; maybe they ' re selling drugs or something . 這個人說: “我看對馬路那個房子里的人一定在進行一些不正當的勾當。一天到晚老有人進進出出,他們可能在販毒,或搞其他什么鬼名堂! ”

Two men were trying to sell cheap car radios in the pub , but the landlord warned them that he didn ' t want any monkey business on his premises 有兩個人試圖在小酒店里廉價出售汽車收音機,但店主警告他們,在他的店里決不允許有任何非法交易。

If that ' s all the profit that ' s shown , there must have been a bit of monkey business going on with the account books 如果那就是全部的利潤的話,那就肯定是有人在賬本上做了手腳。

Detering monkey business ; upgrading company s capabilities in detecting irregularities and unethical problems ; and 提升公司揭發不乎常規及道德行為的能力;及

Look at all the monkey businesses going around us . it is so hard to trust people nowadays 看看我們這些周遭的詐騙行為猖獗,現今真的很難讓我們相信別人。

I think there ' s some kind of monkey business going on in that house across the street 這個人說: “我看對馬路那個房子里的人一定在進行一些不正當的勾當。

Brandon : that reminds me . you owe me $ 3 , 000 . no more monkey business , hand it over 布蘭頓:那倒提醒了我,你欠我三千元,別玩把戲,還錢吧。

No monkey business 沒惡作劇?

The teacher told the children to cut out the monkey business and get to work 老師告訴小朋友立即停止有的沒的事情,開始做事。

Some newspapers say there ' s a lot of monkey business going on at the company 一些報紙報導說這個公司里有很多見不得人的勾當

Monkey business monkey 就是猴子的意思

He told the boys to quit their monkey business , or he would call a teacher 他告訴那些男孩子不要胡鬧,不然他就叫老師。

I don ' t trust that lawyer ; there ' s some monkey business going on 我不相信那個律師;一定有些有的沒的事情進行著。

No monkey business . okay 不做任何惡作劇-記住

No monkey business of any kind 不能搞任何惡作劇

Mrs . lee : i ' ve had enough of your monkey business . get back to work 李媽媽:我受夠你的胡鬧。快回去打掃。

No . there was no monkey business 沒有,這沒什么惡作劇

His wife can do nothing about his monkey business at the pub 他的太太對於他在俱樂部胡鬧束手無策。